Bint Rashid

Tales About Life

Purple Hibiscus

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. One of the most respected African writers. Just finished reading one of her books and the themes that are clearly discussed are ones that we can all relate to.

Religion is the main theme that is depicted in the book and it’s clearly explained how it not only affects personal behaviour and values but also  relationship with family  . In this context, we are shown how the typical life of a christian catholic family is compared to that of an African traditionalist . Colonialism is in the middle of these two which results in conflict, misunderstanding and hatred .

One of my take home from this book was regardless of our differences in beliefs, we are all human. Those we think are a disgrace due to the choice of their faith, can be the ones who show us kindness, appreciation and love . No one is perfect , we can always learn a thing or two that changes our perspective regardless of the  differences.

2 responses to “Purple Hibiscus”

  1. Eugene just makes me soo mad, and I am not even half way reading it. I hope we get poetic justice in the end…🥺🥺

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    1. Definitely justice will be served. I feel you.

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