Bint Rashid

Tales About Life

Book review


    Viola Davis one of the most respected actress in hollywood. Managed to read her memoir and it was a really sad book. Poverty, trauma, racism, domestic violence are the main themes that I picked and the effects it had on Violas’s life. Her life story is a clear indication that there is light at the… Continue reading

  • Purple Hibiscus

    Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. One of the most respected African writers. Just finished reading one of her books and the themes that are clearly discussed are ones that we can all relate to. Religion is the main theme that is depicted in the book and it’s clearly explained how it not only affects personal behaviour and… Continue reading

  • Money

    Just completed reading the book by Florence Bett titled “Should I”. As a young and hungry lady for information on money related matters, I’m delighted to have read it . I encountered the name of the book as a suggestion from a Podcast I was listening to and immediately put it in my list of… Continue reading

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